The Ultimate Trying to Conceive Acronym Guide
2WW: Two week wait (before testing, not always 2 weeks)
AF: Aunt Flo, menstruation
BBT: Basal Body Temperature
BC/BCP: Birth Control Pill
BD: Baby dance. This means having sex for conceptive purposes, or any other form of insemination such as IUI or IVF.
BFN: Big Fat Negative (pregnancy test)
BFP: Big Fat Positive (pregnancy test)
CD: Cycle day
CM: Cervical Mucus
CP: Chemical pregnancy (a very early miscarriage)
DPO: Days past ovulation
EWCM: Egg white cervical mucus, the most fertile kind.
FSH: Follicle Stimulating Hormone
FMU: First Morning Urine
FP: Follicular Phase
FRER: First response early result pregnancy test
GSD: Get Shit Done, or do what you need to do to make a baby (sex, IUI, IVF…)
HPT: Home pregnancy test. Measures levels of the hormone hcG.
HSG: hysterosalpingogram, a test that looks inside the uterus and fallopian tubes.
HcG: Human Chorionic Gonadotropin. Hormone detected by pregnancy tests.
IUI: Intra-uterine insemination
IVF: In-vitro fertilization
LH: Luteinizing Hormone
LMP: Last menstrual period. The first day of your last period.
LP: Luteal Phase
LPD: Luteal Phase Defect
MC: Miscarriage
MFI: Male Factor Infertility
NTNP: Not Trying, Not Preventing
O: Ovulation
OPK: Ovulation Prediction Kit. OPKs measure luteinizing hormone, which surges about one day before ovulation.
PCOS: Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome
POAS: Pee on a stick
RE: Reproductive Endocrinologist
SA: Semen analysis
SMEP: Sperm Meets Egg Plan
TTC: Trying to Conceive
TWW: Two Week Wait, the roughly two week period between when you ovulate and when you’re supposed to get your period (and when you can take a pregnancy test)