While our journey hasn’t been as long as some couples, it’s already been full of so many twists and turns, highs and lows in just 2 years. Here’s a timeline showing where we’ve been up to where we are currently in our journey

March 2018

BFP HPT after – 1 month of trying it was so hard to contain our excitement at how quickly this happened

July 2018

19-week loss – still a mystery as to why it happened. I will be included more in depth details about this in a post very soon

August 2018

Immediately TTC – in retrospect I feel we should have gave it some time before TTC again, but after such a devastating late loss the only thing that seemed to provide comfort was TTC again

September 2018

Chemical Pregnancy aka Early MC– for most women loss around this time usually goes undetected; however, I knew because I literally was taking a HPT the minute my 2WW time had elapsed

November 2018

BFP – we were in complete shock that were able to get pregnant again so quickly but definitely on pins and needles waiting for the ultrasound date. I also was on edge because I didn’t feel the symptoms of pregnancy like I did with the first

December 2018

Diagnosed with Blighted Ovum – ultrasound confirmed my worst fears. The pregnancy was not progress. There was a sac, but no fetal pole or heart beat detected.

January 2019

Miscarriage of Blighted Ovum Pregnancy

February 2019

Decided to make lifestyle changes to become a healthier version of me. All the pregnancies and losses had taken a toll on me. My weight was at an all time high and I just felt unlike myself.

Around this time I started Fertility Acupuncture, Ketogenic Diet, and committed myself to OrangeTheory fitness HIIT exercises 4-5 days/ per week.

March 2019

Saline Sonogram completed by RE Doctor to ensure there were no abnormalities of the anatomy of my uterus. It also checked for potential uterine polyps. Started work up for labs to check for clotting disorders, hormone level imbalances and chromosomal abnormalities

Results: Normal Uterine Anatomy, no polyps noted, all labs normal

June 2019

30 pounds lighter, A1C down to normal levels without medication. I was the healthiest, most fit version of myself I’ve ever been. During this process we still were TTC without any success.

July 2019

IUI rounds #1 and #2 with Letrazole and Ovidrel Trigger Injection – unsuccessful

August 2019

IUI round #3 with increase dosage of Letrazole and Ovidrel Trigger Injection – unsuccessful

September 2019

Hysterosalpingography (HSG) – this particular test checks the anatomy of the uterus as well as checks to see if there are any blockages in the fallopian tubes

Results: normal uterine anatomy and no blockage in fallopian tubes

October 2019

IUI round #4 with Letrazole, Menopur, and Ovidrel Trigger Injection – unsuccessful

December 2019

BFP with natural cycle – We were so excited. We got this test result 3 days before Christmas. It felt like the best Christmas gift ever. Just the previous month we had made the decision to move forward with the IVF process.

January 2020

7 week ultrasound showed 6-week gestation. I was immediately a complete bag of nerves. The NP that completed my ultrasound told me this could mean 2 things… either my ovulation date could be off or the baby was not growing correctly. She told me a repeat ultrasound would be scheduled in 2 weeks to verify a progress in growth. I just knew the news in 2 weeks would be devastating. I have the most regular of periods. I literally could bet money on the start of my cycle and can actual feel when I ovulate. There was no way my calculations for ovulation time was off.

2 weeks later as soon as the ultrasound probe was inserted, the waterworks started. Before the NP could say anything, I could see on the US monitor there was no evidence of a viable pregnancy anymore. By this point I’d been through so many pregnancies/losses and ultrasounds, I understood clearly what I was looking at on the US machine.

February 2020

D&C performed

Started IVF Consults/Test to be cleared for IVF Treatment

March 2020

Endometrial Biopsy performed to check for a condition called Endometritis Repeat Saline Sonogram to make sure no changes to my uterine anatomy occurred after having D&C.

Results: Saline Sonogram normal

Endometrial Biopsy showed Chronic Endometritis. This podcast https://beatinfertility.co/uterine-microbiome-101 that a friend suggested I listened to has some interesting in site regarding advances that may be available in the future for better detection and treatment of endometritis

Treatment for Endometritis was round the antibiotic doxycycline.

Will need repeat Biopsy to determine effectiveness of Doxycycline treatment

April 2020

Decided to move forward with IVF (Retrieval Portion) and be ready for transfer once Endometrial Biopsy results are negative for endometritis

May 2020

IVF process started